What We Do

Reducing the Burden of Chronic Disease

Our Mission

Our mission at the Arkansas Chronic Disease Coordinating Council is to increase the quality and years of healthy life for all Arkansans by reducing the burden of chronic disease through leadership and collaborative action impacting policy, system, and environment changes.

Our Goals

The Chronic Disease Coordinating Council works by encouraging focus and collaboration among various sectors and developing overarching goals and recommended strategies for the prevention and management of chronic diseases in the state. These goals are to:

Our Framework for Action

The Healthy People 2020: Arkansas’s Chronic Disease Framework for Action was created to foster partnerships, alliances, and coordinated activities within the state to reduce the impact and costs of chronic disease.

Additional Resources

Arkansas Chronic Disease Forum

Million Hearts Action Plan

Healthy People 2020 - Arkansas’s Chronic Disease Framework for Action - Objective Tracking Service

Chronic Disease Communication Toolkit for 2019

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Help Lead the Way to A Healthier Arkansas

Together, we can reduce the impact and cost of chronic disease. Find out how you can support our mission now.